What do you need to manifest? 

A  manifestation helps us understand what’s going on within oneself and also what is set to happen in the future. Manifestation can be described as a way of perceiving and understanding the world around us. For this reason, manifestations are considered by many people to be an objective representation of reality and not just personal perception.

The more we manifest and connect with our higher consciousness, the better we feel about ourselves and about life itself. When we put more of ourselves out into our surroundings through thought, words and actions.

If you’re feeling anxious or depressed, you might want to manifest peace. Peace is a state of tranquility. Freedom from fear, violence, and even the freedom from want. Peace is an elusive concept. One way to get peace is through self-awareness and mindfulness, which leads to inner peace. If you were to visualize peace in your daily life, what do you see? Candlelight? Meditation? Smoke rising from incense in a smokin bottle? Envision this. Focus on it. Remind yourself often of your manifestation. 

If you’re worried about holiday bills, you might want to manifest prosperity. Or ahead of Valentine’s Day, you might set your intention on being open to love.  Maybe you’re looking to invite good health into your life. A vision board is a tool that can be used to visualize the manifestation of your dreams, goals, and wishes by seeing them all on one board. This activity is often done with an intention in mind which helps focus the energy on what you want rather than what you don't want. It takes time to really make this work but it is worth it because the rewards are great! Similarly, crystals can be used to manifest positive events and results. Each crystal and mineral has its own unique vibrational energy that can be used for various purposes. Most importantly, the mere act of reaching for your crystal makes you take a moment to reflect on your goal and the feeling you hope to attract into your life. Think of it as a reminder of your feelings.

Journaling can bring catharsis to complicated feelings about the future you want. Freewrite for a specified period of time, to push yourself to lay your feelings out on the page. It’s okay if some of the sentences are nonsensical. Just keep the pen moving to let your feelings and ideas flow. Or, look for journaling prompts online. We’ll post some on our social media to help you get into the habit. 

 Whatever manifestation rituals feel right, are right. The process of attracting your future is a deeply personal journey, and it can take experimentation. If you need ideas and support, we’re here to help.