Here’s why I love Autumn…

It’s not just the Fall colors of autumn leaves changing and brightening up the landscape with what I call “fireworks stuck into trees,” nor is it just the cooler days & nights. It’s not even the back-to-school routine that puts the day into little airtight compartments.

It’s all of those, but it’s just the Spirit of Autumn ~ The way we all draw together to celebrate the light in the darkness.

The way a single tree can make us ooohhh and ahhhh as if we were watching a fireworks display.

The way everyone starts making PSL memes on-line and joking with each other about that one flavor.

The way we start baking and sharing recipes and meals with one another.

The way we connect to our collective communities after a summer of running all over the place to vacation.

Autumn is a homecoming, to ourselves and to each other. It’s a season of connecting with our kindred spirits, our families, our communities.

Fall Festivals, pumpkin patches, Halloween parades ~ In a word: Community.

I don’t know what it is about Autumn that seems to bring all of us together. It could be the many ways I listed above, but one thing is for certain: It’s a time of restoration & reflection, of simpler times and activities that delight us, like jumping into a pile of colorful leaves, or handing out pieces of candy to neighborhood children.

This is why I love Autumn.