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Making a Vision Board on 111: Believing is Seeing


Making a Vision Board on 111: Believing is Seeing

Every year for the past nearly 15 years, I’ve created a Vision Board for the next year. This practice began when I lived in the midwest and my friend Claudette had invited a group of us to her house, as she was often wont to do, to participate in a New Year’s Eve vision board making session.

I remember the fun — the good, clean fun that comes with having given up drugs and alcohol — that we were all able to have, especially the belly laughs but also the camaraderie we shared when one of us would find an image in a magazine that we thought another person would want to put on his or her board.

It became my annual ritual once I had moved back to the northeast and gave me something else to focus on rather than getting wasted and ringing in the new year with a raging hangover - it gave me a focus.

Yes, New Year, New You has gotten the proverbial and literal eyeroll from people these past few years since cliches elicit that kind of reaction on social media, but to me, there’s still something magical and meaningful from that first vision board gathering to the one I will do this year.

See this year, I haven’t done one yet and not because I didn’t want to - I just didn’t think I had to…yet. I wanted to let the New Year sink in a little bit, especially with ending last year on the heels of Betty White passing away on December 31st. Major bummer!

But this year, I wanted to ease off of the pressure of doing it THAT night, of letting a few days marinate so I could meditate on what it is I truly wish to affirm, intention, and manifest this year. What exactly do I want to take aim at on my Vision Board?

I’ve gathered my materials together: my posterboard, glue sticks, scissors, and magazines along with some markers, glitter sticks, and stickers. I’m even going to let my little one join in on the fun this year and hopefully pass the tradition onto her, though I’m sure she’ll enjoy some traditional New Year’s Eve festivities along the way.

So this Wednesday, on 1/11, an angel number having to do with manifestation, I am going to put on some background music, open up those magazines, and start the manifestation process for 2022. Hope you will all join along with me this Wednesday from your own sacred spaces.
