As a spiritual seeker, I’ve turned to various types of divination tools for guidance throughout the years: candles, coins, and readings, either from friends, professionals, and eventually, for myself; ouija boards when I was a teenager; scrying mirrors and crystal balls 🔮; runes, coins, and pendulums for yes-no questions; oracle cards or tarot cards for daily and long-term guidance.
Divination tools are just that: Tools 🔨
They in and of themselves do not absolve us of our responsibility to choose what we do with the guidance that is offered to us; either we choose to take the guidance or not to take the guidance. The choice is ours. The divination tools are not responsible for the choosing anymore than the hammer is responsible for building the house. It’s one of the tools that is used in the construction process and divination tools are one part of the discernment process to taking spiritual direction.
Discovering which spiritual actions to take is also a process, not a single event 🌀
We get quiet and may do one or all of the following: consult our ancestors; our spirit guides; our animal spirit guides; our Higher Power or Powers; we meditate; we pray; we may journal; and then we wait. Immediate answers may come in the exact moment that we seek direction, but more often than not, our answers reveal themselves to us slowly over time.
Of the numerous tarot readings I have done, I’ve received feedback later on from my clients that the guidance or information in the reading arrived further down the road and not in the immediate moment.
So we ask and then we wait but we can also do other things in the meantime while the answers are arriving. We hold the space; we keep our faith; we practice the tool of patience and trust, and then just when we least expect it, our answers arrive seemingly “out of the blue” at exactly the right time when we needed them most.
✨ Blessings ✨ Blessed Be ✨ Namaste ✨