With the COVID-19 pandemic and the closing of our small shop on March 17, I had to apply that famous phrase and “Think Outside the Box.” But that wasn’t all there was to it. It wasn’t just about thinking outside of the box ~ it was also about Persevering Outside of the Box 📦

Perseverance is the positive way of being Stubborn, and as a triple fire sign (🔥Aries 🔥 Leo 🔥 Leo), I am one persistent (insert “stubborn” here) person. I wasn’t very worried when the shutdown first started, but as it went longer and longer, my concerns grew a little bit. So I decided not only to think outside of the box, but wondered how to persevere until we were legally allowed to re-open again.

When we’re stuck in the box of our own thinking or our old way of thinking (8 of Swords 🗡), the best way to get unstuck is to ask for help. It can feel difficult. There’s a stigma around asking for help because it typically indicates weakness. Personally, I think it takes strength to acknowledge our limitations and ask someone to help us. My little one does it all the time in 3 simple words: “I need help.” No shame in her game.

So I got help. I tried on new ideas. I got outside of the box and found new ways to introduce familiar products. I started going online regularly by doing Sunday Live Sales; Virtual Video Visits; and shipping orders to customers. I learned that there was more I could do than what I in and of myself could have ever thought possible.

I also found untapped courage within. I have a brick and mortar store so I can interact with real people in real time in real ways. The Internet, for as much as I love it…and I do, never appealed to me to put myself “out there.” The comments section of any YouTube video is enough to make me want to retreat back into my turtle shell and stay safely tucked inside of my brick and mortar box. However, COVID-19 had other plans and not-so-gently nudged me to not only think outside of the box, but also how to survive and thrive outside of it.

I am happy to have re-opened, and even happier to have found ways to be here and still reach outside of the brick and mortar box to connect with all of you, My Kindred Spirits.

~Blessings~ ✨ ~Blessed Be~ ✨ ~Namaste~

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